Raise your managerial literacy. Management methods: structural and non-structural

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In structural method of management, it is necessary to create a structure (a military formation, a ministry, a shop, an educational institution etc.), recruit people, define their duties and manage their work in a certain way.

In non-structural management, everything is completely different. You don’t need to create a structure. Management is carried out through the media, forecasts, rumors etc.

Methods of non-structural management

Management through the media

The media are not independent. They are only an instrument in the hands of their owners. The chain of management of all media will inevitably lead to supranational structures if you follow it from link to link. The transfer of its managing information impact on the media is carried out both in structural and non-structural ways.

Television plays a special role among all currently existing media. Its distinctive feature is that it attracts millions of people to some event, the opinion of “authority”, etc., while at the same time carrying out a purposeful interpretation of this event or opinion. Also, television can both draw attention to some minor event, and distract from a very important event, opinions, statements, or even simply keep silent about them.

Example: television advertisement. Let’s imagine that children, teenagers, young people watch a movie about the heroes of the World War II on television. And at the moment when the hero of the film dies in battle, the film is interrupted, and the audience is given advertising, for example, “about beer”. What happens at this moment with the audience? First, the sharpness of perception of the emotionally tense fragment of the film is dulled, its educational impact on the viewer is sharply reduced. Secondly, the continuity of the perception of the information of the film tears, it tears to pieces, between which is placed completely different information, not related to the plot of the film. That is, in fact, viewers are given an informational kaleidoscope. This leads to the formation of a kaleidoscopic perception. In the future, information that is being brought down on the people with the help of the media “materializes”, and is embodied in reality.

povyishaem upravlencheskuyu gramotnost 1 Raise your managerial literacy. Management methods: structural and non structural

Management through the rumors

Let’s imagine that two businessmen sell flour. They sell it badly and it starts to deteriorate. They must urgently sell it. What do they have to do? There is a queue. Silence … These two businessmen, having agreed among themselves, loudly talking, begin to talk about the soon rise in price of flour and pasta. Two men making this conversation, but the whole line is listening. As a result, almost everybody, having arrived home, decides to stock up with a product “which will be expensive soon”. At the same time, everyone will certainly warn their relatives and friends about this, who will do the same. As a result, the next day in the city they will buy out not only all the flour, but also pasta.

It turns out that you don’t need to be a president in order to manage people. It turns out that it is necessary to create such information that would be meaningful for people, that would force them to do what is necessary to the one who developed such information and managed to throw it into the masses, creating a certain “critical mass” for the information explosion.

 Raise your managerial literacy. Management methods: structural and non structural

One information, you can throw to one group of people, another information to another group. And if this two information modules have the opposite character, you can use these contradictions and push two groups of people against each other (remember, how it all begun in Ukraine).

Management by creating a feverishly panic mood

Fever is a nervous state, fussy, restless activity, excessive haste. Panic is general confusion, mass terror.

The worst thing in the war is panic. The history of wars knows many examples when strong and well-equipped military formations were defeated only for one reason: soldiers fell into a panic, which was created purposefully.

In the years of “perestroika” in USSR, such “feverishly panic” moods reigned in the society, which were skillfully maintained. There was problems with the lack of wine and vodka, then tobacco, then toothpaste, then light bulbs, etc. Thanks to all this, it was created an environment of instability in country, in which the people wanted changes and bringing order. How did it all end? The USSR was devastated by the methods of nonstructural management.

Leader management scheme

It has been used since ancient times. There is a certain “leader”, who heads any structure (state, ministry, special service, scientific research institute, plant, laboratory, editorial board, etc.). He has staff. Among loafers, who just working only for working, there are experts who “are sick for the cause.” Among them there are those who can be called secret advisors. “Leader” is attentive to their advice and almost always fulfills them.

Outside of work, “secret advisors” are included in the relevant circles of specialists who group around “authorities” in one area or another. At meetings with “authorities” the “secret adviser” draws “new trends”, which he shares with the “leader.” And the “leader”, issuing these “trends” for their own, brings them to the “broad masses of the people”, after which “the idea takes possession of the masses.”

An example of the action of this scheme can be called “salon Madame Scherer” from the novel “War and Peace” of Leo Tolstoy. Another example is Grigory Rasputin, who was the “guardian” of the royal family.

Auto-sync mode

Non-structural control is facilitated by the so-called auto-synchronization mode. It is expressed that if 5-10% of individuals of a certain community of animals, for example, fireflies, bees, pigeons, horses, start doing something at the same time, then the whole community is automatically transferred to this mode.

Similar experiments were conducted with people at the stadium. The picture was the same: the whole stadium did not live on what was happening on the playing field at the time, but according to the program, which was set by 10% of the planted “ducks”: got up, shouted, applauded.

Proceeding from this, it becomes obvious that for effective management it is enough to have 5-10% of people who can be given a certain way commands and further events in this society will develop in the “given corridor of possible scenarios”.

In order not to fall for such a bait, it is necessary to increase the measure of understanding of people included in the management process, and then the quality of their work will grow steadily.

All video reviews from the project What is good are devoted to illustrative examples of non-structural management of society.

Translated by Valeriy Petrov

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